The 3 Treatment Massage Therapy Challenge is to ensure that you are receiving the best care possible!

 That you are challenging yourself to book in advance at least 2 more visits after your initial consultation visit (based off of your Therapists Treatment Plan) and follow through! Commit! 

We assess your health history, posture, imbalances, malalignments etc., and therefore, we attack not only your current symptoms, but also the causes (the root of your symptoms), and therefore, require more than one treatment to ensure that we not only decrease or eliminate your current symptoms, but also ensure they do not cause you any more discomfort in the future.

It's A Personalized Plan for Greatly Decreasing Discomfort and Pain

How to Book...

1. Book your 75 min Initial Consult [includes 15 min FREE Assessment]

2. At your initial visit, mention the 3 Treatment Challenge and your RMT will recommend which treatments to book for the following 2 Sessions + time frame, once the initial Assessments are complete.


Yes! I want to try the 3 Treatment Challenge

You can begin a 3 Treatment Challenge at any time

Whether you are a new patient or a returning patient

Whether you have a new injury, or simply wish to better improve your body overall. These are YOUR treatments and YOUR time, and we put YOU first. Patient-centered care is our mission.

One-On-One Coaching Can Help You With The Following:


Target And Decrease Tension

During your FIRST SESSION we will be able to Target and manually reduce your tension, locked in the layers of your tissue.

Reduce Adhesion

FIRST --> SECOND SESSION, you will see a drastic reduction of that "stickiness" or "stiffness" that inhibits your movement and weighs you down.

Release Triggers

FIRST --> SECOND SESSION we will locate and release Active and Latent Trigger Points in your muscles. Targeting referred pain, headaches, numbness + tingling.

Balance Your Body

SECOND --> THIRD SESSION we begin to even out the tone in your body. Balancing which muscles are tugging + pulling with which ones are weak + being pulled on. Providing Strengthening/Lengthening Self-Care.

Increase Mobility

SECOND --> THIRD SESSION we are improving your Mobility through the reduction of blocking/sticking tension, adhesion, and fascial restrictions in the muscles and surrounding tissues.

Correct Your Posture

By the THIRD SESSION we are beginning to see improvements with your Posture overall. We begin to discuss how your Posture being corrected is VITAL to your overall health and body function.